Dragnea proposes all parties consultation on specific challenges at EU level

Autor: Cristian Gheorghe
Publicat: 26-04-2017 12:53

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea proposed on Wednesday, in Parliament's plenary session, a consultation between all the political parties to establish the essential landmarks that Romania must follow in front of the particular challenges that occur at the European Union level.

"I take advantage of this solemn moment to make a sincere call to the entire political class to start a collected, unresentful and unprejudiced consultation between all the parties, among all the decision-makers in this country, with the support of the Romanian Academy, to establish together the essential milestones Romania must follow in front of the specific challenges that are taking place at the European Union level and not only. Let us learn from the wisdom of the Great Union's forefathers, whose anniversary next year we are heralding with today's event and stand united. Let us be Romanians," Dragnea said, at the festive sitting of Parliament celebrating the "Iasi - Capital of the Kingdom of Romania 1916-1918 and City of the Great Union" Centenary.

He added that, apart from the fact that parliamentarians are in adverse political camps, have different opinions, are always in a political competition and are mutually challenged, they are all Romanian citizens.

"Beyond all the things that divide us, sometimes in seemingly irreconcilable positions, there is something that unites us, there is something that keeps us together, something we all find and this is simply called: Romania. For some, declaring today that you are a patriot and that you love your country is exaggerated and sometimes even outrageous. If we look back in history, at this nation's hardest times, what united us and kept us close was patriotism and love of one's country. That is why it is good to have such events in which we celebrate the crucial moments in Romania's history, such as the one for which we have organized this meeting today," underscored the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies.
