Deputies' Chamber rejects DNA request in respect to Rovana Plumb's case

Autor: Cornel Dumitrescu
Publicat: 17-10-2017 16:25

The Deputies' Chamber on Tuesday rejected the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) regarding the commencement of a criminal investigation on the Social Democrat Rovana Plumb, the former Environment Minister. There were 99 votes "in favour" and 184 "against", which led to the cancellation of the voting. There was a secret voting.

DNA chief prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi asked for the notification of the Chamber of Deputies in connection with the request to conduct the criminal investigation on Rovana Plumb, former Environment and Climate Change minister at the time of the offense, in respect to complicity to abuse of office, in a case that also involves Sevil Shhaideh, referring to moving a part of the Belina Island and the Danube Pavel Branch under the administration of the Teleorman County Council.
