Several thousands of protesters gather in Victoriei Square in front of Gov't seat

Autor: Denisa Miron, Colaborator
Publicat: 05-11-2017 20:51

Several thousands of people according to Gendarmerie sources have gathered in downtown Bucharest, in front of the Government seat, in Victoriei Square, protesting the Justice Laws' draft amendment.

Protesters of all ages continue to cluster, bearing tricolour flags, with vuvuzelas and drums, alongside placards with slogans such as: "Jos PSD, ciuma rosie / Down with PSD, red plague", "Vrem justitie independenta / We want independent justice", "Ce asteptati, o noua dictatura? / What are you waiting for, a new dictatorship?", "Democratia este sub asediu / Democracy under siege", "Alegeri anticipate / Early elections". Protesters also chant: "Justitie, nu coruptie! / Justice, not corruption!", "Liviu Dragnea nu uita, Romania nu e a ta! / Liviu Dragnea, do not forget, Romania is not yours!" 

Order forces are already gathered in the square. 

Around 19:00 hrs the protesters are set to march to the Parliament Palace.

"The bill to amending the Justice Laws has already been parked in the Parliament and it is to be debated and voted in a plenary siting. The Judicial Inspection will become a political tool at the Justice minister's hand. The appointment of the prosecutors' heads by the (Justice, ed. n.) minister, with no control from the President (of Romania, ed. n.) will mean that the DNA (National Anti-corruption Directorate, ed. n.) will turn back to the PNA (former title for DNA, ed. n.), and the Prosecutor's Office becomes subdued to the political interests. Should this package laws is endorsed by the Parliament, it will be a disaster for Romania and its citizens. We could say good bye from an independent justice. We are not alone in this battle. From magistrates to President and to the European Commission, they have all positioned against these draft laws. It is time that each of us acts and does not legitimate the attempt of the corrupt to control Justice. On Monday, the lawyer senators have given a negative report to a draft law that is hampering the criminally sentenced to reach the country's supreme position. The vote in the Senate is to be given. This means that an underworld mob guy, a criminally condemned person could decide the Romanians' fate and represent them," says the Facebook motivation of the march titled "We don't want to be a nation of thieves!".