OLAF confirmă suspiciunile DNA că Liviu Dragnea ar fi fraudat fonduri europene

Autor: Denisa Miron, Colaborator
Publicat: 13-11-2017 16:53
Actualizat: 14-11-2017 17:57

Oficiul European Antofraudă (OLAF) susține într-un comunicat de presă că a găsit dovezi care demonstrază relații nepotrivite între funcționarii publici și firmele contractante, dar și falsificarea de documente în timpul procedurilor de achiziții. Paguba ar fi de 21 de milioane de euro.

Liviu Dragnea spune ce stă în spatele ultimelor mișcări ale DNA: 'E un atac violent. Miza e preluarea PSD' / VIDEO

"Această investigație este un exemplu perfect al cooperării pozitive dintre OLAF și autoritățile naționale", a declarat directorul general al OLAF, Nicolae Ilett.

"OLAF a efectuat investigații amănunțite, sperând că va avea un efect disuasiv puternic", a adăugat el.

Ea este procuroarea DNA care l-a 'executat' pe Liviu Dragnea

The Romanian National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) has indicted Liviu Dragnea, the leader of the Romanian Social Democrat Party (PSD), for fraud against European Union (EU) funds, for creating an organised criminal group, and for misusing his position for personal gain. Eight more persons have been indicted on similar charges.

The contribution of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) to this outcome has been emphasised by the DNA. The DNA has explained that their case comes as a result of two investigations conducted by the OLAF into projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund for road construction in Romania, which were concluded in May and September 2016.

OLAF found evidence suggesting collusion between the beneficiary of the funds, public officials and the contractor, including falsification of documents during the procurement procedure. Some of these documents were also used in support of the claim which the beneficiary submitted to the Managing Authority, resulting in the payment of EUR 21 million from European Union funds.

OLAF's investigations were concluded with a financial recommendation to the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, to recover the full EUR 21 million, and with judicial recommendations to the Romanian National Anticorruption Directorate to initiate judicial actions into the matter.

"This investigation is a perfect example of the positive cooperation between OLAF and national authorities," OLAF Acting Director-General Nicholas Ilett said. "OLAF conducted thorough investigations that we hope will have a strong deterrent effect," he added.