INS: Net average salary increased in October by 16 lei up to 2,392 lei

Autor: Alexandra-Maria Cioroianu
Publicat: 11-12-2017 10:26

The Net nominal average salary increase by 16 lei (+0.7) per cent in October, up to 2,392 lei, compared with the previous month, while the gross nominal average salary increased 0.7 per cent, up to 3,327 lei, show data released on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). 

In this context, the highest values of the net nominal salary gain registered in the information technologies activities sector (including IT services), of 6,054 lei respectively, and the smallest in the HoReCa sector (1,415 lei). 

The INS data show that, compared with October the previous year, the net nominal average salary gain increased by 13.5 per cent and the real salary gain indicator stood at 110.6 per cent.