Speaker Dragnea: 2018 to also be full legislative year, with many priorities

Autor: Denisa Miron, Colaborator
Publicat: 23-12-2017 09:10

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea on Friday stated that the development sovereign fund's draft law and the administrative code are among the legislative priorities of 2018.

"The sovereign fund is not the only priority, yet it is a major one. The administrative code is a large document, an important law, second legislative priority because it is part of the state's reform. The public-private partnership draft law after exiting the gov't, we have to see whether it needs amendments or improvement, and there are many other draft laws to be set. The year 2018 will be a full one from the legislative viewpoint," said Dragnea, when asked about the next year's legislative priorities.