France's Embassy "closely follows developments on Justice reform" and "has its own translation services"

Autor: Cristi Șelaru, Redactor
Publicat: 28-12-2017 18:01

The Embassy of France in Bucharest "is closely following all the developments related to the Justice reform, including discussions within the Romanian society and has its own translation services to that end," reads a reply of the diplomatic mission sent at AGERPRES'S request.

The specification is coming in a context in which the chairman of the special parliamentary committee for the justice laws package, Florin Iordache forwarded Foreign Affairs Minister Meleșcanu on Thursday the drafts to the pieces of legislation amending 303/2004, 304/2004 and 317/2004 laws so as to have them presented to the ambassadors.

"We have drawn a short presentation on the committee's website with the amendments to the three law and still on the committee's website that communication and the three laws were translated into English. Because on behalf of certain embassies an opinion was issued stating that the Justice's independence was amputated, that the fight against corruption was diminished, we deem necessary, for correct information of all foreign partners and all those interested in the reform regarding the three laws to analyse and see the amendments and we have also conceived a short presentation of these amendments, taking into account the Constitutional Court's decisions, the Venice Commission's decisions, the requests of the professional associations. This short presentation as well as the laws in themselves are to be found on the committee's site and we have translated them having in mind the idea that the Foreign Affairs Ministry is the one that needs to be in contact either with the embassies (ed. n. - foreign embassies in Bucharest), or with embassies abroad," Iordache stated.