Romanian national confirmed dead in Italy railway accident

Autor: Roxana Ghiorghian
Publicat: 24-05-2018 15:33

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) has confirmed the death of a Romanian citizen in railway accident that took place on Wednesday night in Italy. 

A mobile consular team from the Consulate General of Romania in Turin went to the medical facility where the victims of the railway accident were transported, according to information from MAE. 

An investigation into the circumstances of the accident is underway. 

MAE, through the Consulate General of Romania in Turin, is monitoring the situation as a priority and maintaining contact with the local authorities and the victim's family, being ready to provide consular assistance within the limits of their competencies, including by facilitating the procedures necessary to repatriate the dead body and issuing the death certificate, according to MAE. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the affected Romanian citizens may request consular assistance by calling the Consulate General of Romania in Turin: + 39-011-249-5775; + 39-011-249-5264; + 39-011-249-5064; + 39-011-235-9053; the calls are redirected to the Centre for Contact and Support of Romanian Citizens Abroad (CCSCRS) and taken over by call centre operators 24/7, to the emergecny number of the consular office: + 39-338-756-8134. 

Two people died and several more were injured following the derailment of a train that took place on Wednesday night in northern Italy, not far from Turin. According to La Repubblica and Torino Today, one of the two victims is a Romanian national residing in Busto Arsizio. According to daily La Repubblica, the Romanian man would have been seriously injured and died immediately after being rushed to a hospital in Turin. 

The second person who died is the train conductor. 

The train ran off the rails after hitting a heavy truck that stopped shortly before the train passed; three wagons jumped off the rails on impact, according to television video footage.