Parliament/No-confidence motion: PM Dancila: Did not expect motion to be sequence of lies

Autor: Roxana Ghiorghian
Publicat: 27-06-2018 17:01

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Wednesday in Parliament's plenum she was not expecting the entire no-confidence motion, signed by the National Liberal Party (PNL), Save Romania Union (USR) and People Movement's Party (PMP), to be "a sequence of fabrications." 

"I was not expecting the whole motion to be a sequence of fabrications, a presentation of almost another reality, made in bad faith. I understand the role of the opposition and its obligation to criticise the Gov't. This is part of the essential mechanism of democracy. But the way in which today, without any rational arguments, the opposition is undermining the Government's entire effort based on some allegations devoid of logic and realism, makes me believe that this motion only stands for a political game," Dancila stated at the debate of the no-confidence motion "Ousting the Dragnea-Dancila government, a national emergency!" 

Moreover, the premier affirmed that "many lies are circulating in the public sphere" about the amendments to the justice laws. 

"We are unfortunately witnessing the amplest misinformation and intoxication of public opinion after the Revolution. There are many lies circulating in the public sphere and which obviously count on the emotional triggers that might catalyse a hostile, outraged and radicalised social reaction to the effort of the parliamentary majority to transpose into the criminal legislation the decisions of the Constitutional Court, of the European Court of the Human Rights and last but not least the Directive 343 of 2016 regarding the presumption of innocence," Dancila further said.