PM Dancila in EP: Romania is divided and I want it to be united

Autor: Roxana Ghiorghian
Publicat: 03-10-2018 13:19

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Wednesday in the plenary sitting of the European Parliament that Romania is divided and she wants for our country "to be united." 

"Romania is divided and I want Romania to be united, but we have to take care of one thing. (...) Yes, we have dialogue, but let's not try, regardless of the political group, to feud each other. Together we should design, shape up the future of the European Union as of next year. Let us see the things that unite us and leave aside the things that divide us. We will straighten what we have to straighten. We will have dialogue. I am available to dialogue," Dancila conveyed in her responses to the questions asked during the debate on Wednesday in the European Parliament tackling the situation of our country. 

PM Dancila told MEP Monica Macovei that she knows about "her disinformation." 

"Mrs. Macovei I know of your disinformation. This Government that you criticise so often has brought an economic growth of 7 percent, it increased the Romanians' living standard and, that is why, the Romanians love it. It's unflattering to bring the internal political fight to the European Parliament, it's a lack of respect towards the Romanian people," Dancila stated. 

She conveyed to MEP Laurentiu Rebega that it's not fair for the Romanians to bring the political fight to the EP. 

"Mr. Rebega, don't bring the political fight to the European Parliament. It's not fair towards the Romanians. Perhaps, you should have in mind that you ran on the lists of the Social Democratic Party, but I don't judge you, because I don't have this right, those who endorsed you and whom you have failed will judge you," Dancila stated.