PM Dancila: Romania is ready to successfuly exercise the presidency of the Council of the EU

Autor: Roxana Ghiorghian
Publicat: 15-11-2018 13:57

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Thursday reiterated the fact that Romania is ready to take over and successfully exercise the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, as the action programme is almost done.

"I want to clarify a very important aspect, considering the irresponsible commentaries made in the public area in the recent days. I will say this once and very clearly. Romania is prepared to take over and exercise the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. Ever since the beginning of its mandate, the Romanian Government initiated and developed an ample process of preparations for taking over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The action programme is ready, as we created the mechanisms of action and we established the modalities," Dancila stated in the beginning of the government meeting.

The PM underscored that these things are very well known on both domestic and external plan.

"Next week, we will receive the visit of the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, the leaders of the political groups and other high level officials at European level. We will discuss about aspects of interest for the future of the European Union and the good management of important files and I mean here the Multiannual Financial Framework, Brexit, the future of the European Union post-Brexit, the development of the security policy," said Dancila.