EP President Tajani gives assurances that EP resolution adopted last week is not against Romania or Romanians

Autor: Mihai Cistelican
Publicat: 21-11-2018 20:00

The resolution on the rule of law in Romania, adopted last week by the European Parliament in Strasbourg, is not against Romania or the Romanians, President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani stated on Wednesday at the debate called "Young people in a dialogue with the European Parliament," hosted by the Aula Magna of the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest.

The high official said that the resolution refers to the rule of law which is one of the most important values in Europe, adding that the rule of law must be observed, sharing the same standpoint for all member states, regardless of their name.

According to him, corruption is a phenomenon that exists throughout Europe and in order to fight it the efforts of all the member states of the EU are needed.

On the other hand, Antonio Tajani estimated that Romania and Bulgaria are ready to become members of the Schengen Area for Freedom of Movement, but the decision fall to the Council.

The European Parliament adopted on 13 November a non-legislative resolution regarding the rule of law in Romania, a text that confirms "the deep concern" of the MEP regarding the reform of the judicial and criminal legislation of Romania, condemning the violent and disproportionate intervention of law enforcement during the protests in Bucharest that took place in August.

Within the resolution, the European Parliament invites the Romanian authorities to put safeguards in practice to avoid passing by the verification and balancing mechanisms and to oppose measures that would lead to the decriminalization of corruption amongst state officials.

The resolution draws attention to the new legislation on the status of judges and prosecutors, the organization of the judiciary and the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM). In line with the warnings from the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission, the EP resolution warns against the impact of the new legislation on the independence of the judiciary, its effectiveness and quality, including negative consequences for the fight against corruption.

The amendments brought to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code - many of which were considered unconstitutional by the Romanian Constitutional Court - represent another reason of concern, with additional effects on the capacity to fight corruption, violent crimes and organised crime.

Moreover, the EP condemns the violent and disproportionate intervention of law enforcement during the protests in Bucharest of August 2018 and calls on the Romanian authorities to ensure a transparent, impartial and effective investigation of the law enforcement actions.