Provisional agreement for regulation proposals to ensure interoperability of European information systems

Autor: Ioana Necula, Redactor
Publicat: 05-02-2019 21:44

The Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has obtained the provisional agreement, after discussions with the European Parliament, for two proposals for regulations that will ensure the interoperability of European information systems, the Interior Ministry announced in a press release issued for AGERPRES.

This will make the activities of competent national authorities more effective by facilitating the correct identification of persons and the fight against fraud within the territory of the member states.

The two proposals for regulations will introduce several components of interoperability between EU information systems, including the European search portal, which would allow competent authorities to interrogate more EU information systems at a time, the cited source informs.

At the same time, the two proposals envisage the implementation of a "common biometric data comparison service that would allow the search and comparison of biometric data from multiple systems" as well as the "common identity data register, which will contain data personal data of third-country nationals available in EU information systems".

Another interoperability component provides for a "multiple identity detection software that will check if the required identity data exists in other linked systems to allow for the detection of multiple identities related to the same set of biometric data."

"The new regulations do not change access rights to EU information systems, as provided for in the relevant legal framework for each European information system," the press release said.

The quoted source informs that the interoperability of information systems at the level of the European Union is one of the priorities assumed by the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the period when our country holds the presidency of the EU Council.

The preliminary agreement will be presented on behalf of the Council to the EU ambassadors for confirmation.