Chamber of Deputies-Prime Minister's Question Hour/USR's Barna: OUG 114 blasts strategic areas, it needs to be repealed

Autor: Ioana Necula, Redactor
Publicat: 04-03-2019 20:48

Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 114/2018 "blasts strategic areas" of the country and must be repealed, its authors in fact being Liviu Dragnea and Darius Valcov, Save Romania Union (USR) leader Dan Barna stated on Monday in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, partitive

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"Mrs Prime Minister, every time you make a decision in the Government, I think things cannot get any worse. And, every time, you insist on showing us that, in fact, they can get worse than that. With Ordinance 114 you have succeeded in surpassing yourself, dear madam. Rating agencies are downgrading Romania because of Ordinance 114 and you are trying to make us think that it seemingly has something to do with the budget delay. It's false, it's a lie. It's very hard in fact to manage to squeeze in a single piece of legislation a set of measures capable of blowing up so many areas that are strategic for the economy - the energy sector, the banking sector or the telecommunications - all in one ordinance," said Barna at 'Government Time'.

According to him, "the biggest disaster is the de facto abolition of Pension Pillar II, endangering the pension rights of 6 million Romanians."

"The shareholders who make up Pillar II, the companies that have invested in Romania have not recovered their investments, and you are asking for another 800 million euro. You managed to detonate them all through a single instrument - through this ordinance. (...) This ordinance was not written by you, madam. (...) The authors of this ordinance, not of greed but of poverty for Romania, are the two convicted criminals who in fact rule the Romanian Government, Mr. Liviu Dragnea and Mr. Darius Valcov. Why did Dragnea, Valcov and Teodorovici [Finance minister, ed.n.] give this ordinance? It's very simple - we are in an electoral year and you are left with no money - this is the reality and you should tell people this, this truth, that you have remained without money for pensions and salaries, that you will not be able to finish at least a motorway section in Romania this year, that you no longer have money for hospitals, that you will take away people's money from Pension Pillar II and that you will increase their taxes and duties to finance the budget deficit and those special pensions that you continue to invent. You said you have Romania in mind. Attacking the banking sector, you want ROBOR to decrease. How can ROBOR decrease if the economy is blown to pieces?" Barna added.

The USR leader also maintained that OUG 114 "attacks the mining and quarrying and natural gas sector."

"You are attacking the mining and quarrying industry and the natural gas sector, by opening the gate for Eastern exports. The companies holding the licenses in the Black Sea have clearly told us that they will not invest anything in the context of Ordinance 114. Does this mean having Romania in mind, does this mean pushing Romania at Europe's border? (...) Specialists say that this ordinance is a mistake and that it will do a great deal of harm to the economy and that the effects will be paid by the people in the street. Do show now, when there is still time, when you still have a modicum of backbone, a minimum decency. We have been told that everything is improvable and I appreciated this expression. "Improvable" means, dear madam, to repeal OUG 114!" concluded Dan Barna.