Dismissed PM Dancila urges President Iohannis to nominate replacement as soon as possible

Autor: Roxana Ghiorghian
Publicat: 10-10-2019 15:19

Dismissed Prime Minister Viorica Dancila urged President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday to nominate a new prime minister as soon as possible to take over the government. 

"The motion has passed, all the parties have come together to pass this motion, there have also been colleagues who have betrayed. That's no problem; we leave knowing that we did our job. (...) I wish for the others to come to the plenary session quickly, with a new government formula and with a government. I am urging President Iohannis to nominate a prime minister as soon as possible to take over governance," Dancila told Parliament, after the censure motion against her cabinet cleared parliament by 238 votes.