Polling stations open to over 18 million voters

Autor: Roxana Ghiorghian
Publicat: 24-11-2019 07:14

The polling stations for the presidential election runoff opened on Sunday to more than 18 million Romanian voters. 

Nationwide, there are 18,748 polling stations. According to the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), the total number of voters registered with the permanent electoral lists is 18,217,411 for this election. 

The list of polling stations can be checked on the www.roaep.ro website. The electors can find out which polling station they are distributed to by accessing www.registrulelectoral.ro. 

Citizens in the country can vote by producing a valid identity document, issued by the Romanian state; electronic identity card; provisional identity card; identity passbook; diplomatic passport; electronic diplomatic passport; service passport; electronic service passport; military passbook. 

According to the AEP, the simple passport, the simple electronic passport and the temporary simple passport can be used only by the Romanian citizens with the residence abroad who vote in Romania. 

Voters in their area of domicile or residence on election day can vote only at the polling station where the domicile or residence area has been distributed; if they are in another administrative-territorial unit, they can vote at any polling stations set up there. 

For bedridden electors across the country, the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station can approve, at their written request, lodged on previous day of the voting, at the latest, accompanied by copies of medical or other official documents stating that the respective persons are bedridden, so that a team made up of at least two of the members of the electoral bureau can go to them with a special ballot box and the necessary items to cast the vote - a stamp with the "VOTED" mention, ballot papers and sticker stamps. 

Just like in the first round of elections, the operations regarding the vote counting, including those via mail, are recorded video and audio, and are carried out in the presence of all the members of the electoral bureaus of the polling stations and the accredited persons. 

The persons who are accredited to assist to the conduct of the electoral operations in the first round of elections are rightfully accredited to also assist the conduct of these operations in the runoff. 

Romanians abroad began casting their ballots on Friday. Moreover, they could also opt for voting via correspondence. 

The polling stations in the country in the presidential election runoff will close on Sunday at 21:00hrs, EET. Voting can be extended until 23:59hrs for voters who are at the polling station at 21:00hrs or outside the polling station waiting to cast their ballots.