PM Orban: We've analyzed the amendments; we will probably approve some of them

Autor: Roxana Ghiorghian
Publicat: 23-12-2019 13:42

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday stated that a series of the amendments brought to the draft laws the Government prepared to assume responsibility in Parliament for would be approved. 

"We will have to review the amendments brought by the MPs or the parliamentary groups and we have to decide which amendments we should approve and which we should reject, in relation to each of these draft laws we are preparing to assume responsibility for. After the Government meeting, we will have to send the draft laws with the approved amendments, and there are very many such amendments, precisely to show the MPs that we are open to their contribution and that of the parliamentary groups. We have analyzed the amendments and there are some we will probably approve," Orban said at the beginning of the meeting of the Executive. 

The Senate and the Deputies Chamber will have successive sessions on Monday, during which the Government is set to assume responsibility for the draft laws on the state budget and social securities budget for 2020 and the modification of OUG (Government Emergency Ordinance) 114/2018.