Number of 2019 residential building permits down 0.4 pct YoY

Autor: Maria Stan, Redactor
Publicat: 30-01-2020 12:57

The number of residential building permits issued in 2019 amounted to 42,541, down by0.4 percent from the previous year, shows data released on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

The development regions to see a decline in the number of permits last year are Bucharest-Ilfov (- 863 permits) and West (-529), while an upward trend was registered in the South-East (+566), Center (+202), North-West (+183), South-West Oltenia (+165), North-East (+84) and South-Muntenia (+39) regions.

The 3,182 residential building permits issued in December 2019 were by 7 percent less (-241) than in November; 66.2 percent thereof were for rural areas.

A breakdown of December's permit releases by development regions shows a decline as follows: the West region (-110), South-Muntenia (-79), Bucharest-Ilfov (-71), Center (-50), South-East (-27), Southwest Oltenia (-3). The regions with a rise in the permit numbers were North-West (+55) and North-East (+44).

The number of residential building permits released in December 2019 was 16.4 pct up YoY, specifically by 448 permits, divided by development regions as follows: North -West (+124), North-East (+120), South-East (+95), South-West Oltenia (+63), South-Muntenia (+58), Center (+48), West (-49) and Bucharest-Ilfov (-11). AGERPRES