Several trade unions ask Gov't to ensure universal minimum income for all citizens

Autor: Ioana Necula, Redactor
Publicat: 31-03-2020 17:32

Several trade union organizations have requested on Tuesday that the authorities adopt a series of measures to overcome the social crisis, of which the first is to ensure a universal minimum income for all adult citizens, according to the release sent by the unions.

"The insurance of a universal minimum income for all citizens (adult persons) either directly from the state, or through salaries, pensions or other types of income will significantly reduce the social impact of the crisis, bring the safety of tomorrow for all adult persons and their children, regardless of the crises that we will go through from now on. Ensuring a universal minimum income will provide the purchasing power necessary to develop a local sustainable economy for products of first necessity and the functioning of public services. This mechanism will help both the persons who lose their recorded jobs and the persons who work on the black market and are left without this untaxed income, being also a way to counteract working on the black market," the release sent by the trade unions show.

The organizations signing the appeal are: the Hermes Union Federation, the Federation of Free Unions in Romania, the Dr. Ion Cantacuzino Free Union of the Cantacuzino Institute of Bucharest, the Ion Luca Caragiale National University for Theater and Cinema Art Employees' Union, the INFLPR "Radiatia" Magurele Union, the ETOS TAROM Union, the Tarom National Technical Union, the Universitas Union of the University of Bucharest, the Independent Personnel Union of ASE Bucharest, the FIRES Union - Eftimie Murgu University - Resita, the Solidarity 2013 Union - Motru and the INCDI Prosilva Union.

"The medical crisis is only the beginning of a new stage in human existence and is joined by a major social crisis. Now, when the US and other states have adopted plans of immediate and consistent social measures, we cannot sit idly to the irresponsible actions of our government, which is leaving 2 millions Romanians without income or perspectives. Moreover, we see measures such as the cutting of aid for persons with disabilities by the Bucharest Mayoralty, while special pensions are upheld with impunity," the release of the trade unions mentions.