PSD's Ciolacu: It was PNL strategy not to have quorum at motion debate

Autor: Denisa Miron, Colaborator
Publicat: 31-08-2020 21:18

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) chairman, Marcel Ciolacu, claimed on Monday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) had a strategy so that quorum was not achieved in the sitting that would have the debate and vote of the censure motion, and that if a vote were cast, the PSD would have had 250 options "for" the motion.

Asked, at the Palace of the Parliament, what happened to the 250 votes that he said last week he would bring to the censure motion, Ciolacu said: "They weren't today. As you saw, it was a strategy not to have quorum, not to have a vote on the motion. It was a strategy of the PNL, it's obvious. I told you that if there is a vote we will have 250 votes. Today a vote on the motion was not made."

Ciolacu mentioned that the PSD does not have the 233 votes necessary to adopt a motion of censure and tried to create a majority.

"The quorum was not achieved, the censure motion not voted upon," he stated.

The PSD leader also said that in a maximum of two days the National Political Committee of the party will meet and a political decision will be made regarding the steps that need to be taken on the matter of the censure motion, which could not be debated and voted on Monday due to lack of quorum, adding that the motion will not be withdrawn.

"There are discussions, because an extraordinary session is already done, we are entering ordinary session, we have the constitutional right to submit a censure motion or to vote this motion," Ciolacu declared.