PM Citu: Solidarity, respect, acceptance of diversity - the fundamental values of Romanian society

Autor: Ioana Necula, Redactor
Publicat: 21-02-2021 15:34

Prime Minister Florin Citu affirms that solidarity, respect, acceptance of diversity are among the social values that have consolidated the Romanian society where the minorities and the majority coexist and develop their joint patrimony.

"The health crisis, its social and economic effects show us again, as history has repeatedly proven, that we can overcome this period only together, but also highlights the vulnerabilities brought about by intolerance: hate and discrimination rhetoric, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. Through the governing program we have committed to respect the rights of national minorities, to encourage dialogue and continue to promote in Romania the European principle of unity in diversity. A safe environment for minority citizens is a safe environment for all the citizens of Romania. Today, on the 165th anniversary of the release from slavery of the last category of Roma in Wallachia, I send my best wishes to the country's Roma ethnics," Florin Citu wrote on the government's Facebook page on Saturday, on the occasion of Roma Emancipation Day, wishing the Roma to keep alive the community's past and traditions.