FinMin Nazare voices support for project to simplify business licencing in Romania

Autor: Anca-Adriana Huza
Publicat: 08-04-2021 17:53

Finance Minister Alexandru Nazare is supporting the simplification of Romania's licencing system, a project developed by the Romanian Trade Competition Council and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), according to a press statement released by the Finance Ministry on Thursday.

Nazare participated on Thursday in a final meeting of the project "Complete resizing of the business licencing system in Romania," designed to support Romania with upgrading its business licencing system, strengthening the capacity of licencing bodies and aligning the licencing system with international best practices, confirms.

He emphasised that he supports the digitisation process in order to eliminate unnecessary approvals, in order to reduce the administrative burdens that affect the business community.

"I want congratulate the implementation team of this project and voice my support for the digitisation and red-tape cut initiative by eliminating unnecessary documents and approvals, in order to reduce the administrative burdens affecting the business community. I believe the Romanian government should co-operate efficiently to support and simplify private initiatives. I would also like to thank the OECD team that worked closely with the Romanian authorities to implement this project and provided useful information on best practice in the area. Romania has made significant progress with joining the OECD. And we enjoy the support of many members. Romania's accession to the OECD is an important goal to Romania and I will make every effort to meet it," said Nazare.

The project addresses the key bottlenecks and systemic issues of the current business licencing system and provides an opportunity for the Romanian government to implement a digital business licencing platform, a platform that could benefit businesses, entrepreneurs and public institutions, according to the Finance Ministry.