Ministry warns Romanians travelling to US of tropical storm Elsa warning

Autor: George Traicu
Publicat: 06-07-2021 11:47

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) on Tuesday reminded Romanian nationals travelling to the US state of Florida that there is a tropical storm Elsa warning in place there.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises Romanian nationals who want to travel in the area to be affected by the tropical storm Elsa to postpone any planned trip. Romanian nationals in the path of the storm kindly reminded to look for updated information on the trajectory of the tropical storm Elsa on the website of the US National Hurricane Center -," reads a press statement released by MAE.

Romanian nationals can contact the Consulate General of Romania in Miami by calling +1.305.763.8714 and +1.305.763.8874, with the calls being redirected to the Contact and Support Centre for Romanian Citizens Abroad (CCSCRS) and taken over by the call centre operators 24/7.

"Also, the Romanian citizens who are facing difficulties of an emergency nature may call the Consulate General of Romania in Miami by dialing + 1-202-515-8953," according to MAE.