Approximately 42% of Romanians choose their holiday destination based on anti-COVID restrictions (survey)

Autor: Bogdan Antonescu
Publicat: 13-07-2021 11:57

The pandemic continues to influence the holiday plans of the Romanian people, so that 42% choose their destination based on anti-COVID restrictions, and another 30% got vaccinated especially in order to travel, according to a survey done by the Bestjobs recruitment platform.

"Last year, the Romanians' holiday plans were strongly influenced by the anti-COVID protection measures. Thus, 39% of them decided to remain home, including during their period of annual leave and only 8% managed to organize vacations outside the country," according to a BestJobs survey.

According to the source, 57% declare that they have been vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and of these, 30% declare that they took this step in order to be eligible to reach their desired holiday destination, the other 70% saying that they would have gotten the vaccine anyway, agerpres reports.

Half (50%) of the Romanians that took part in the BestJobs survey declare that they no longer have any sort of worries regarding the potential risks they are being exposed to during their holiday. Instead, 28% are afraid that people have relaxed too much and no longer respect the sanitary and social distancing measures. Another 19% are concerned about the arrival of a new epidemic wave, of new restrictions that could disrupt their vacation plans.

Until now, 54% of Romanian employees have already made solid vacation plans, while 15% declared that they will not be going on holiday this summer. Among those that plan on enjoying their days off, 42% prefer to spend them in the country, 18% plan to split their days off between visiting the country and foreign destinations, and 12% plan to have their vacation exclusively outside the country. On the other hand, approximately 11% will remain in the city where they live.

The survey was done during the period of June 23 - July 7, with the participation of 1,113 Internet users in Romania.

BestJobs is an online recruitment platform in Romania. BestJobs has an experience of over 20 years in the field and was involved in the transformation and innovation of the online recruitment industry.