UNTRR requests fiscal amnesty on drivers' daily allowance taxation

Autor: Grigore Onescu
Publicat: 18-08-2021 19:16

The National Union of Romanian Hauliers (UNTRR) is requesting the Government, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to close the matter of considering the daily allowance as a wage income, by adopting a fiscal amnesty, according to a press release sent on Wednesday by the employers' organization.

Furthermore, UNTRR is asking the Government to consult with road transporters regarding the way to add in the Romanian legislation the EU Directive 1057/2020 regarding the secondment of the drivers from the sector of road transport, the press release mentions.

UNTRR says that, according to the provisions of the Mobility Package 1, starting with February 2, 2022, road transporters should apply the secondment directive for cabotage operations and for cross-trade over the excepted number (2 operations), Agerpres informs.

Furthermore, the daily allowance will be used for bilateral transport between Romania and other EU member states, but also for any other operations of international goods transport from outside the EU.

"The Romanian road transport industry cannot be double taxed: once for amnesty and again for the dispatching directive. The road transport sector will be deeply affected by the eventual application of the provision requiring the returning of the truck home every 8 weeks, starting with February 2022, a measure which affects the industry, because Romania does not produce and does not export enough to the EU," the National Union of Romanian Hauliers warns.