3,000 needy children receive winter boots from Romanian priest

Autor: Andreea Năstase
Publicat: 05-11-2021 13:34

When Fr. Claudiu Banu launched the Shoe a Poor Child campaign, he hoped to provide 1,000 children with winter boots. But there turned out to be so much support for this blessed work that they were able to provide 3,000 pairs of boots.

Fr. Claudiu is experienced in such work. He is the founder of the St. Arsenios the Great social home in Techirghiol, which provides food, clothing, and more for the needy.

Together with several sponsors and volunteers, Fr. Claudiu recently toured 11 villages in Constanţa County to distribute the boots to children from families of limited means.

Fr. Claudiu personally shoed many of the children, while His Eminence Archbishop Teodosie of Tomis, who also accompanied the group, blessed the children and distributed other gifts.