Romania to receive over 4 million doses of Pfizer vaccines in November

Autor: Andreea Năstase
Publicat: 09-11-2021 16:35

Romania will receive in November over 4 million new vaccine doses from the BioNTech/Pfizer company, the secretary of state in the Ministry of Health, Andrei Baciu, deputy chairman of CNCAV (Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee), announced on Tuesday.

"At the moment we have 24,104,989 doses shipped to Romania: BioNTech/Pfizer - 14,733,089 doses, Moderna - 3,182,400 doses, AstraZeneca, 3,374,000 vaccine doses, and Johnson&Johnson - 2,815,500. For the following period, as we know, the shipments of Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines have been suspended, for BioNTech/Pfizer we have a prognosis for November of 4,000,663 vaccine doses, and for Johnson&Johnson, for the week of 8-14 November, 348,000 would be shipped, and for the week of 15-21 November, we forecast for shipping 252,000 vaccine doses, Andrei Baciu declared, during a press conference at Victoria Palace.

Regarding the digital certificate, he specified that until this time there have been 7,940,274 documents generated.

"Mostly, we are keeping the same trend, namely 92.45% of certificates are those that attest vaccination," Baciu added.