Iohannis: Veterans - true examples of courage, dignity, patriotism and loyalty to country and national values

Autor: Bogdan Antonescu
Publicat: 11-11-2021 12:01

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday sent a message on the Day of Veterans from Theatres of Operations, stating that veterans are "true examples of courage, dignity, patriotism and loyalty to the country and national values."

"Today we celebrate the Day of Veterans from Theatres of Operations, an occasion to pay tribute to all the troops who, far from home and families, have selflessly and devoutly fulfilled their entrusted missions. (...) Veterans represent true examples of courage, dignity, patriotism and loyalty to the country and national values," says the head of state in the message, agerpres reports.

He points out that the professionalism of the Romanian military staff participating in missions in the theaters of operations is noticed and appreciated by Romania's allies and partners.

"Romania's participation in multinational missions, even before becoming a NATO member, was a determining factor that facilitated accession to the North Atlantic Alliance, the European Union, as well as the conclusion of strategic security partnerships with internationally relevant states. This year, the North Atlantic Alliance completed its most demanding operation in recent years, carried out over 19 years, the Resolute Support mission in the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations, and today we honor the sacrifice of the 27 Romanian servicemen who lost their lives, th 227 troops that were wounded and our thoughts are with the grieving families. We also owe our respect to the veterans of World War II who gave their lives out of the love for their country, as well as to the servicemen who, in recent years, have participated in missions under the auspices of NATO, the European Union, the UN or the coalition outside the national territory," says President Iohannis.

He thanked all the military staff who are currently carrying out international missions in various theatres of operations and conflict zones.