Doctor Gheorghita: We hope by the end of the month to have logistics for vaccination of children aged 5 to 11

Autor: Bogdan Antonescu
Publicat: 16-11-2021 15:03

The head of the National Committee for the Coordination of Vaccination Activities against COVID-19 (CNCAV), Valeriu Gheorghita, estimated that the logistical preparations regarding the vaccination against COVID-19 of children aged between 5 and 11 years will be ready by the end of this month, agerpres reports.

"We said last week that the authorization from the European Medicines Agency is expected in mid-December, but the latest calendar is ahead of schedule and we expect to have this authorization earlier, in the second half of November, maybe the end of November (...) we will probably have the opinion of the European Medicines Agency on November 25, while in the case of the vaccine from the company Moderna, which also submitted the documentation for evaluation with the European Medicines Agency, the authorization is expected to be granted in mid-December," Gheorghita told press conference on Tuesday.

He recalled that vaccination campaigns for this age group are already underway in the United States and Israel.

At the same time, children up to the age of 11 will also be able to get the vaccine in centres where there is a vaccine from BioNTech Pfizer for the vaccination of children over 12 years.