4,470 SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant cases confirmed by November 14

Autor: Bogdan Antonescu
Publicat: 17-11-2021 12:36

A number of 4,470 cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the Delta variant have been confirmed by November 14, the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) informed on Wednesday, agerpres reports.

According to the INSP, up to the same date, 6,226 cases with SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOC) have been confirmed.

Until November 14, a number of 6,896 sequencings from the following laboratories were reported to INSP - CNSCBT from the laboratories of the Cantacuzino Institute, Matei Bals Institute, MedLife, Suceava Stefan Cel Mare University, Stefan S. Nicolau Virology Institute, CRGM of SCJU Craiova, Pro Vitam Sfantu Gheorghe.

According to the INSP, until November 14, the VOC confirmation rate stood at 90%.