Csoma Botond: We need Constitution amendment; national minorities become constiuting factors of Romanian state

Autor: Andreea Năstase
Publicat: 06-12-2021 16:31

The leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) deputies, Csoma Botond, stated, on Monday, at the solemn session of Parliament dedicated to the Constitution, that the fundamental law must be amended, in the sense of becoming a parliamentary republic, mentioning that it is also necessary for "national minorities to become constituting factors of the Romanian state."

"The adoption of the Constitution in 1991 was a very important step on the path to forging a democratic society after decades of totalitarianism. Sure, that Constitution of 1991 reflected both the political moment, as well as the existing parliamentary majority or the majority in the Constitutive Assembly, but it also reflected that euphoria because people were finally free to say their opinion freely in this country. (...) The idea of a semi-presidential republic was chosen, which is not similar to France, nor to the United States. (...) Here the Prime Minister is not subordinate, but the President designates the candidate for the position of Prime Minister and if we look in the past 15 years there has been a major conflict (...) especially when we speak politically, of cohabitation between the President and the Prime Minister and I believe this permanent conflict, which has existed in the Executive branch, has done Romania no service and from this point of view I believe we need a constitutional amendment to straighten out some matters," said the UDMR deputy.

He said that it's necessary to amend the Constitution in regards to Parliament as well.

"We propose to maintain this bicameral system, but with separate attributions for the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. And we can think of a distinct system to elect the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Surely that through the 1991 Constitution there was a mechanism and balance instituted, which in many cases functioned, in many cases didn't work, for example when the President of Romania, in many cases, I believe and we in the UDMR believe, regardless who the President of Romania was, exceeded his constitutional attributions, not having a mediation activity and having a mainly political activity in certain moments in this country," Csoma Botond added.

The deputy stated that a discussion on the status of minorities in Romania also needs to be had, mentioning that certain documents adopted by the Supreme Council for the Country's Defence (CSAT) and other institutions "national minorities represent a risk factor to national minorities," adding that "after 30 years it's time (...) for national minorities to become constituting factors of the Romanian state," as well as that a reconversion in the executive power could also mark Romania's becoming a parliamentary republic, as the EU member-states are parliamentary republic as a majority.