Cătălin Raiu, Romanian expert on Freedom of Religion or Belief, invited to present key trends impacting Freedom of Religion of Belief

Autor: Cristi Șelaru, Redactor
Publicat: 08-12-2021 18:09

The OSCE/ODIHR is pleased to announce a webinar event on 14 December from 14:00-15:30 CET entitled: Key trends impacting freedom of religion or belief. Cătălin Raiu, an internationally well-known expert on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Church and State relations, is a keynote speaker along with Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

This online webinar event brings together experts from international institutions, academia, and civil society to discuss emerging trends and events that have been affecting the conditions in which people across the OSCE area exercise their freedom of religion or belief (FoRB). No human right is exercised in a vacuum and the OSCE area has seen many recent developments ranging from the expansion of new technologies and the COVID-19 health pandemic, to political, social, economic and legislative changes. As another year draws to a close, and a new year is about to begin, panelists will engage in some stock-taking and offer fresh insights from their respective areas of work.

Webinar panelists include:

Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Dr. Cătălin Raiu, President of FORB Romania and member of the OSCE/ODIHR panel of experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Ms. Liv Hernæs Kvanvig, Director of IPPFoRB / Head of Freedom of Religion or Belief Section of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee

Ms. Samirah Majumdar, Research Associate at the Pew Research Center

To join the event please register HERE.