High performing research collective and 27 doctoral theses in cardiovascular imaging, through PlaqueImage

Autor: Bogdan Antonescu
Publicat: 09-12-2021 15:24

The head of the Cardiology Clinic of the Mures County Clinical Hospital (SCJU) in Targu Mures, dr. Theodora Benedek, stated, on Thursday, that through the PlaqueImage project, which concluded recently, numerous high performing researchers were formed, 27 doctoral theses were drawn up and an impressive number of research papers were published in prestigious scientific journals, agerpres reports.

"We are celebrating the success of the PlaqueImage project, a large scale project, ran by the team of the Cardiology Clinic of SCJU Targu Mures, by which our university center acquired high performance infrastructure in imaging research for cardiovascular disease. The human resource was also developed in order to conduct high performance research. This PlaqueImage project, which ran over four years, produced 27 doctoral theses and an impressive number of publications in scientific journals of high prestige. But the most important role of this project was to generate new hypotheses, to generate new developments and knowledge horizons," said dr. Theodora Benedek, at the opening of the 21st edition of the CardioNET National Conference with International Participation, taking place at the Teleki Castle in Dumbravioara.

The PlaqueImage project was financed by the European Union and the Government of Romania and concluded this year.

Dr. Theodora Benedek showed that, once done, the PlaqueImage project opened the way to new projects won by the cardiology clinic's team, one of them being dedicated to artificial intelligence in cardiac imaging and having as project director Prof. Dr. Imre Benedek.

Dr. Imre Benedek emphasized that the recipe for success in medical cardiology research consists of seriousness, professionalism and international collaborations, without which high performance cannot be achieved.

Theodora Benedek showed that, until now, the imaging research infrastructure for cardiology saw investments worth 4 million euro, plus 10 years of intense labor, starting with the first AngioCT in Targu Mures and continuing to this day.