PM Ciuca: In order to overcome crises, we need authorities to be responsible in front of citizens

Autor: Bogdan Antonescu
Publicat: 10-12-2021 11:35

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca says that democracies offer the most solid and acceptable solutions and underscored that, in order to deal with the current crises, it is necessary, among other things, that the authorities be responsible in front of the citizens, agerpres reports.

"I have often wondered what makes certain societies slip on anti-democratic and nationalist slopes and what measures need to be taken to avoid such negative outcomes in Romanian society. And I think the first answer comes from respect for the choices of our citizens and for their needs. There is talk that autocracies and not democracies would be more effective in responding to crises. The reality has contradicted these statements, which are also embraced by some representatives of the academic area of democratic states. Democracies have showed they can do better in overcoming crises than the states run by authoritarian regimes, which seemed more vigorous and strong in the first moments of a crisis, but got lost later due to the lack of support from the population," the prime minister told the participants in the Bucharest Forum 2021, on Friday.

In his opinion, the resilience of democracy is directly linked to the social security of a country that puts the interests of its citizens first - their lives, their property, their rights and their freedoms, and their choices.

"Democracies are, in fact, the ones that offer the most solid and acceptable solutions, which are supported by all citizens. And democratic resilience can only be achieved when we bring together the efforts of the state, society and every citizen," Ciuca said.

According to him, in order to have the support of the societies and of the citizen, it is necessary that the population trusts those who have reached public positions, either by being elected or appointed.

"The ability of societies to be resilient in the face of multiple crises is affected by inappropriate or chaotic post-crisis or post-conflict transitions, corruption and political or oligarchic capture of states, inequality, migration, crises of representation, abandonment of reforms and peace. In all these cases, the principles and values of democracy, individual rights and freedoms are altered, and they become subordinate to hypothetical rights of the community, nation or state, under which, in fact, dictatorial, authoritarian or illiberal desires are hidden. In order to deal with the current crisis, we need to hold the authorities accountable to the citizens, transparency and integrity, inclusive transitions, civic engagement, social and political inclusion, and equal access to resources and economic opportunities for all citizens," said the PM.

He pointed out that perhaps the most important method of action remains the one that directly concerns the authority in democratic states, governance and the decision-makers in public office. "Balance, nuances, decency in governing, as well as respecting the opinions of all the members of a society count, in fact, as the first conditions for citizens to support the leaders' decisions. This way, the cohesion of society and the maintenance of democratic values can be achieved, even in the worst conditions of crisis," he said.

Nicolae Ciuca stated that, as Prime Minister, alongside his other colleagues in public offices, he is guided by these solutions, principles and elements of increasing democratic resilience.