DefMin Dincu: I do not believe Vladimir Putin will resort to nuclear weapons

Autor: Radu Pop, Redactor
Publicat: 27-02-2022 17:22

The Minister of National Defence, declared for AGERPRES on Sunday that he does not believe that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, will resort to nuclear weapons.

"In general, reality has convinced us that Vladimir Putin and his Government are using the official communication for propaganda as well. Many times the statements that were made from the Kremlin, through the official authorized voices, were not true or did not follow those decisions that were taken. So, firstly, we need to see if something like this will truly happen, if nuclear warheads will be moved, as Moscow said. Secondly, of course, nuclear warheads were used lately as main elements of determent, so that I believe that madness has its limits, I do not believe this is about the attempt of using these grave military elements," Dincu explained.

In his opinion, the Russian president is more likely resorting to a "psychological threat".

"My opinion is, seeing as how many countries from the vicinity have solidarized, especially from the European area, and what Vladimir Putin is trying to do is to disengage those from the area with this threat. I believe it will rather remain a psychological threat," the Minister of National Defence said.

President Vladimir Putin announced on Sunday, during the fourth day of invading Ukraine, placing the "determent force" of the Russian army on high alert, which can contain a nuclear component, AFP reports.

"I am commanding the Ministry of Defence of the Chief of Staff to place determent forces of the Russian army on a special high alert," Putin declared, during a meeting with his military leaders, broadcasted by the public television.