IntMin Bode: MAI's most important vulnerability, human resource deficit

Autor: Andreea Năstase
Publicat: 26-05-2022 21:03

The Minister of Internal Affairs Lucian Bode declared on Thursday that the most important vulnerability for the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) and subordinated institutions is represented by the deficit of human resources

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs is a fundamental institution in the security architecture of the Romanian state, and during peace time it is the Ministry that manages the most ample spectrum of activities regarding the proper functioning of society. We have to fulfill objectives which we took upon ourselves in the governing program, and for the Internal Affairs chapter we took upon ourselves a series of specific objectives, in various stages of implementation. By far, (...) the most important vulnerability of the Ministry and subordinated institutions is the deficit of human resources. At this moment it raises to approximately 20% from the institution's total number. The institutional efforts are mainly focused to reducing this deficit, including by organizing contests for positions of leadership and improving professional training," said Lucian Bode, during the meeting of the National Liberal Party (PNL)'s Local Elected Officials League, which took place in Poiana Brasov, context in which he presented a review of the six months of governing.AGERPRES