Optional pension funds' assets up in July, to 3.41 billion RON

Autor: Mirea Andreea
Publicat: 12-09-2022 15:39

The assets of the optional pension funds (Pillar III) were worth 3.41 billion RON at the end of July 2022, up by 5% compared to the level recorded at the same date of the previous year, according to a report of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA).

"Most of the investments were made locally (93%), most of them being denominated in RON (91%)," the report said.

Government securities held the largest share in assets, amounting to 2.102 billion RON, respectively 61.59%. On the second place were the shares, with 895.51 million RON (26.23%). Corporate obligations were on the third place in this respect, with 141.75 million RON, respectively 4.15% of total assets, told Agerpres.

According to ASF data, the optional pension funds had 594,063 participants in July.

On Pillar III, the following pension funds are active: Aegon Essential, Azt Moderato, Azt Vivace, BCR Plus, BRD Medio, Generali Stabil, NN Activ, NN Optim, Pensia Mea and Raiffeisen Accumulare.