12,706 children have had both parents working abroad, at end of June 2022

Autor: Andreea Năstase
Publicat: 27-12-2022 09:33

The total number of children in Romania who had both parents working abroad was 12,706, at the end of June 2022, with 760 more compared to the situation in March, according to data centralized by the National Authority for Protection of the Child Rights and Adoption (ANPDCA).

Also, the number of children with parents working abroad rose to 75,769 at the end of June (1,420 more children compared to March 30, 2022).

Among the 12,286 children with both parents working abroad, 11,870 were in the care of relatives up to the fourth degree, without protective measures, the rest being placed with a foster carer, placement centers or other families or individuals.

According to the quoted source, a number of 53,743 children had a parent who went to work abroad, and of these 51,560 children were in the care of relatives up to the fourth degree, without a protective measure. At the same time, 1,282 children were in the special protection system, such as in the care of a maternal assistant, in placement centers or with other families/persons.

At the same time, 9,320 children came from families where the single supporting parent was away working abroad. Among them, 8,257 children remained at home in the care of relatives up to the fourth degree, without a protective measure.

The total number of children left at home who were in the special protection system amounted to 2,979, on June 30, 2022, of which 614 children were in the care of a foster carer, 494 in foster care, 1,713 with relatives up to the fourth degree, and 158 of children in the care of other families or individuals.AGERPRES