Gov't spokesperson: Currently, no question of dismissing any member of Cabinet following accident at Oltenia Energy Complex

Autor: Anca-Adriana Huza
Publicat: 18-01-2023 22:12

The spokesperson of the Government, Dan Carbunaru, declared on Wednesday that, at this moment, there is no question of the resignation or dismissal of any member of the Cabinet, as a result of the tragic accident at the Jilt Sud Quarry, within the Oltenia Energy Complex, emphasizing that, regardless of the level of responsibility, measures will be taken taking into account the conclusions of the judicial investigation and of the teams conducting checks in this case.

"The issue of responsibilities regarding the tragic accident at the Oltenia Energy Complex will be established following the judicial investigation and based on the conclusions of the verification teams. Any measures, regardless of the level of responsibility, that will be taken, will only take into account these elements. To avoid wrong interpretation of the factual situation, at the level of the Government, at this moment, there is no question of the resignation or dismissal of any member of the Cabinet," said Carbunaru, in a statement sent to the press, Agerpres informs.

Previously, asked in a press conference at the Victoria Palace of Government if there had been discussions in the Government about a possible resignation or dismissal of the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, following the accident at the Oltenia Energy Complex, Carbunaru had said: "Decisions related to the exercise of public office, along the chain of responsibility that intervenes in the case of this tragic accident, some of them we have already seen happen and are related to the personal decisions of those who chose to submit their resignation, I mean part of the local management".

"Regarding the overall assessment of responsibilities and, as a consequence, the measures that will be decided, I assure you that all these elements will be presented when the entire situation is evaluated. So, the chain of responsibilities will be reflected in a coherent and appropriate way at the end of this evaluation. The resignation is a unilateral act, the question is not to wait for a resignation, but to have a correct evaluation of what happened, from the perspective of responsibilities, and, secondly, the assumption of those responsibilities. Depending on the result these evaluations and depending on how this chain of responsibilities will look like, we cannot rule out any option at this moment, but it is premature, because at this moment all these responsibilities must be reflected in the reality that will be ascertained on the ground," affirmed Carbunaru.

An accident resulting in the death of three people and the injury of ten others took place, on Tuesday, in the perimeter of the Jilt Sud Quarry, within the Oltenia Energy Complex. A utility van carrying mine employees overturned when passing over a bridge set up over the conveyor belts.