Number of people drawing social security benefits down by 1,340 in June 2023

Autor: Andreea Năstase
Publicat: 26-07-2023 10:50

As many as 161,852 people were drawing social security benefits (guaranteed minimum income) in June 2023, 1,340 less than in the previous month, according to data centralized by the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection (ANPIS).

The average amount paid in June by the Romanian state to social aid beneficiaries was 301.23 RON (rd 61 euros), while the total amount paid amounted to 48.755 million RON.

The Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) is one of the most important programmes to promote social inclusion and combat poverty. The legal act regulating this programme is Law No 416/2001 on guaranteed minimum income, with subsequent completions and amendments.

According to this law, the guaranteed minimum income is guaranteed by the granting of a monthly social aid, which is calculated as the difference between the level of the minimum guaranteed income provided by the law and the net monthly income of the family or the single person.AGERPRES