Border police detect citizens under arrest warrants

Autor: Alexandra Cruceru, Redactor
Publicat: 10-10-2023 11:14

Border police officers from the Cenad Border Crossing Point detected, on Tuesday, two persons against whom European arrest warrants had been issued by the Romanian and German authorities.

At the Cenad Border Crossing Point, a 39-year-old Romanian citizen presented himself at the exit from Romania. During the formalities, the border police officers found that the German authorities had issued a European arrest warrant for the crime of theft against the man in question. A three-year prison sentence was imposed on him, according to a press release issued by the Timisoara border police on Tuesday.

At the Cenad Border Crossing Point on Tuesday, a woman, a Romanian citizen, aged 46, presented herself on the way into Romania. During the control carried out by the border police, it was found that the Romanian authorities had issued a European arrest warrant for the offences of assault or other violence and theft, and that the woman had to serve a prison sentence of 1 year and 10 months.

Both Romanian citizens were handed over to teams from the Timis County Police Inspectorate for legal action.