Gov't okays de minimis aid scheme for SMEs in amount of 86.5 mln RON

Autor: Alecsandru Ionescu
Publicat: 22-02-2024 21:11

The Government has okayed a de minimis aid scheme for SMEs in the amount of 86.5 million RON, with the purpose of financing the interest differences generated by the ROBOR increase, said the spokesperson for the Government, Mihai Constantin.

"For the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises in Romania, a Government's decision was taken today, namely a new governmental support for the development of businesses and preservation of jobs. A de minimis aid scheme is established to support beneficiary SMEs during the pandemic COVID, from the state aid established through the program to support small and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises with market capitalization, a program called IMM Invest. The de minimis scheme is worth 86.5 million RON and is intended to finance the differences of interest generated by the increase in ROBOR", declared Mihai Constantin, on Thursday, in a press conference at the Victoria Palace, agerpres reports.

He added that the payment of this de minimis aid would be made until the end of 2025 and approximately 9,200 business operators are estimated to be beneficiaries of this measure.