Deputies to vote by show of hands, e-vote cancelled for a week

Autor: Denisa Miron, Colaborator
Publicat: 24-02-2016 14:42

The deputies have decided on Wednesday to suspend the electronic vote in the plenum sittings and replace it with the open vote, by show of hands, for a week. 

The deputies voted 176 to 114, with 2 abstentions and 8 refusals to vote, to cancel the electronic vote. 

"As of today, secretaries are responsible to counting the MPs present in the sitting hall. We have one week; the leaders of the parliamentary groups and the members of the Committee for Regulation should come next Wednesday to the Standing Bureau with a clear plan of measures, completions, amendments of the regulation, clear, transparent verifications of this electronic procedure, so there will be no further problem, and those who are in the hall and put their card into the slot, those people should vote," said the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Valeriu Zgonea. 

The measure was taken after alleged errors of the electronic voting system last week. Nine bills were voted electronically. Vote on all these bills will be repeated, Zgonea announced. AGERPRES